Kingston City and District Directories collection
- CA ON00239 F1136
- Collection
- 1856-1901
Collection consists of volumes of the Kingston City Directories.
Kingston City and District Directories
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Kingston City and District Directories collection
Collection consists of volumes of the Kingston City Directories.
Kingston City and District Directories
Kingston Coin and Currency Club fonds
Fonds consists of the Constituiotn and By-Laws of the Club.
Kingston Coin and Currency Club
Kingston Collegiate Vocational Institute collection
This collection consists of ephemera deposited in the archives by a variety of people due to the University's close association with KCVI.
Item is a sheet with three hand-drawn crests affixed. These were proposed designs for the Kingston coat of arms.
Fonds consists of correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings. Included is material related to the School's closing in 1936.
Kingston Dairy School
Kingston District Council - Boy Scouts of Canada fonds
Fonds, with accruals, consists of the original Constitution and By-laws (1935); Annual Reports, (1948-1949, 1951-1977); minutes (1948-80), (incomplete); land documents; miscellaneous correspondence; Charters for 11th and 12th Kingston Groups.
Kingston District Council - Boy Scouts of Canada
Fonds consists of correspondence; minutes, subject files; reports; and printed material relating to the operations and activities of the Group.
Kingston Drama Group
Kingston Economic Development Corporation fonds
The fonds consists of photographs of the Kingston area. Each folder of slides contains an index.
Kingston Economic Development Corporation
Kingston Field Naturalists fonds
This fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, and special projects undertaken by the KFN.
Kingston Field Naturalists
The fonds consists of records pertaining to the Kingston Film Council's operations over a 30 year period. The fonds is comprised of minutes, cash book, rental receipts, circulars, and advertising that reflect membership, loans, showings, training and festivals that the Council facilitated. The records also illustrate the larger environment of film councils and associations that were in existence in the province at that time.
Kingston Film Council