The fonds includes The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority. Cote Ste. Catherine Lock Plans. 1956, Welland Ship Canal construction photos (1923) Phi Sigma Kappa Certificate of Initiation for Francis Stuart Lazier (1904). Four boxes of photographs and negatives, approximately 1705 photographs and 1198 Negatives. The negatives were left in the original wooden box which was constructed for them. The four photo albums contain photos from the “Iroquois Constructors Ltd., Toronto. Construction of the Robert H. Saunders-St. Lawrence Generating Station for the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. Cornwall, Ontario. 1955-1959.” The photos in these albums were taken by P. Mickles, F.F. Newton and K.D. Morawski.
Item is a handwritten ledger reflecting the work of Thomas Burrowes Justice of the Peace at Kingston Mills, Township of Kingston, Frontenac County. The ledger contains Memoranda of Fees and Charges, Return of Convictions and printed Schedules of Summary Convictions. The ledger documents the nature of the case, offense committed, dates, names of all parties such as prosecutor, witness(es), defendants, and Constables involved. It also notes fees levied and paid. There are a few loose receipts pinned onto one of the blank pages towards the back of the ledger. Of particular note is a hand drawn map of Pittsburgh Township, from Opinicon to Kingston along the Rideau Canal, dated May 4, 1841.
Account book recording the equalization of the personal accounts of W.F. Grant, ? Walker and John C. Forsyth, the remaining members of the firm of Forsyth Richardson... Includes lists of lands in various townships.
Photographs showing: Peter Lee and family; his Grand Gardens night club in Montreal; group picture of the memorial service for Dr. Sun Yat Sen, 12 April 1925; the first Chinese baby born in Kingston, 1923; Grand Cafe interior, 222 Princess St.; and views of Princess Street buildings in the 1920's.