- CA ON00239 F936
- Fondo
- [ca. 1960]-1979
The fonds consists of copies of poems and a manuscript entitled "The Last horse and buggy doctor." Also includes some correspondence.
Wilfred Theodore Pocock
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The fonds consists of copies of poems and a manuscript entitled "The Last horse and buggy doctor." Also includes some correspondence.
Wilfred Theodore Pocock
The fonds consists of minutes of Board meetings and the act incorporating the village of Prescott, Ontario.
Prescott Board of Trade (Prescott, Ont.)
Progressive Conservative Association fonds
The fonds consists of committee reports and resolutions of the Leadership Convention which chose George Drew as leader.
Progressive Conservative Association
The fonds consists of correspondence of Mrs. James Richardson and James A. Richardson, Jr., especially relating to the visit of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Queen's University in 1938 and to the family's donations to many University undertakings, the turnover of Mrs. Agnes Etherington's home and their work as members of the Board of Trustees
Richardson (family)
Course notes from Queen's University Medical School, 1908-1911, material relating to the Queen's University Stationary Hospital, military medical manuals and diplomas.
Richardson, Roy Burnet
This fonds consists of correspondence, lecture notes, material relating to the Department of English, Grade 13 curriculum development, militia training at Queen's University, C.O.T.C. at Queen's University, National Council of Canadian Universities and other organizations; correspondence, research notes, manuscript relating to his work on William Cowper and Alexander Pope (1965-1972).
Walker, E. Alastair
Charles Gordon Lennox Richmond fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence, general orders and abstracts. The collection of 11 manuscript volumes contains official copies of many hundreds of letters, documents and orders written by the Duke of Richmond and his adjutants during his service as Commander-in-Chief of the forces in British North America. There is also a letter written by Richmond to an unidentified recipient dated May 17 1818.
Richmond, Charles Gordon Lennox, 4th Duke
Emma Wetmore (Bliss) Roberts fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence, notebooks belonging to Mrs. Roberts and her grandson, Athelston Roberts, son of Sir Charles G.D. Roberts, poems, news clippings, drawings and photographs.
Roberts, Emma Wetmore (Bliss)
Rockwood Hospital completion certificates
Certificates issued by Rockwood Hospital for completion of exam on mental diseases, 1905.
Rockwood Hospital
The fonds consists of correspondence; biographical and geneological data; articles and essays about Sangster; photographs; and scrapbook. Correspondence includes letters from members of the Sangster family (1809-1962), including Charles Sangster; and letters of the Ross family in Prince Edward Island (1809-1935).
Sangster (family)