- CA ON00239 F1340
- Fonds
- 1864-1898
Diaries of John William Kerr and his son, Frederick, reflecting their activities and observations on the fish and game population of Lake Ontario from the Niagara River to Belleville.
Kerr, John William
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Diaries of John William Kerr and his son, Frederick, reflecting their activities and observations on the fish and game population of Lake Ontario from the Niagara River to Belleville.
Kerr, John William
Fonds consists of a Land Deed executed between Robert Thompson and John White, both of whom lived in Pittsburgh Township.
White, John
The fonds consists of correspondence, some personal papers including household bills, and the notes for a biography of Prof. Watson by one of his daughters. There are also notebooks he made on various philosophical topics, manuscripts, lecture notes, poetry and drama written by Watson and even some sketches of billiard shots. Also includes a telegram to Watson from Sir Robert Falconer.
Watson, John
The fonds consists of course notes, exams and photographs from McDougall's time as a student at Queen's University.
McDougall, John Wallace
The fonds consists of stage directions for productions of plays performed by the Faculty Players and Domino Theatre. Also includes news clippings, programmes, and correspondence for Faculty Players.
Spurr, John W.
Fonds consists of interviews with artists and other individuals about Leonard and Reva Brooks, as well as interviews with Leonard and Reva. Also includes transcriptions of interviews, and drafts of the biography on Leonard and Reva Brooks.
Virtue, John
The fonds consists of rough drafts, penultimate typescripts and final manuscripts (second copy) of the first edition of Muscles Alive, published by the Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1962; also typescript of second edition published in 1967.
Basmajian, John V.
Collection consists of images of Quebec City including views from the ramparts and the ramparts themselves, streetscapes of the old City, and the Hotel Frontenac; copy of "White House Cook Book", being an assortment of recipes, mixed with kitchen etiquette, and information concerning the White House, its hospitality, menus served on special occasions by various First Ladys, with their portraits.
Turner, John
The fonds consists of clippings, pamphlets and material relating to the Second International Library Conference in London, England, 1897.
Thorburn, John
The fonds consists of correspondence (personal and political, 1927-1955; legal, 1927-1938), some subject files and financial records. Correspondents include R.B. Bennett and Louis St. Laurent.
Hackett, John Thomas