- CA ON00239 F40
- Discrete Item
- 1837-1928
Contains an overview of Bolton's history and a copy of an extract from his diary.
Bolton, James
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Contains an overview of Bolton's history and a copy of an extract from his diary.
Bolton, James
The fonds consists of accounts, correspondence, news clippings, articles by Roy, scrapbook leaves, and manuscripts relating to Scotland, World War I and Roy's memories of them. The microfilm reel contains a typescript of the biography, Lieutenant-General Simon Fraser, son of Lord Lovat of the '45 / by James Alexander Roy, [19--].
Roy, James Alexander
James Alexander Macphail fonds
Fonds consists of correspondence sent and received by Macphail, geneaological records, photographs, and other material.
Macphail, James Alexander
The fonds consists of correspondence, draft of memoirs, speeches and articles on Canadian education, 1961-1968, and files relating to the Canada Council, the amendment of the British North America Act and the Institue for Research in Public Policy.
Corry, James Alexander
Unpublished articles and address given at the UEL Anniversary Service, St. Alban - The Martyr, Adolphustown, Ont.
Eadie,James Albert
James A. Richardson Aviation collection
Depicts aviation in Western Canada.
Richardson, James Armstrong
This collection consists of James A. Eadie's entry in the 'Dictionary of Canadian Biography' on John Stevenson; articles relating to the Rathbun Company, Deseronto, Ontario; essays on Deseronto and the Rathbun Company, written by T.David Martin; slides of Rathbun family portraits, company building and employees with explanatory notes; essay by W.C. Blabe on Deseronto.
Eadie, James A.
Jacobine Jones Foundation fonds
The fonds consists of various records created in the establishment of the Foundation, such as correspondence, copyright information and financial matters to do with the Trust. There are also records reflecting the activities of the Foundation in attempting to locate all of Jacobine Jones' works that were scattered across the country in different locations and collections in order to create a catalogue raisonné of the artist.
Butler, Angela
The fonds consists of correspondence, business and personal files. Personal files contain biographical material and some subject files (1 m). Files of finances (1.5 m) cover work, housing and other expenses. Subject files as a category created by Miss Jones relate to commissions undertaken while her Project files contain ideas and proposals. Technical files, teaching files, art associations, art galleries, exhibitions and catalogues relate chiefly to her work. Clipping files, both general and specific, dating from her student days and collected postcards illustrate design interests.
Jones, Phyllis Jacobine
The fonds consists of correspondence, print samples and a ledger of employee wages, representative of small aspects of the businees over its life.
Jackson Press