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Kingston Heritage Tattoo Society Fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2266
  • Arquivo
  • 1986-2005

Fonds consists of administrative and financial records; subject files; minutes of Board and committee meetings; manuals; reports; programmes; and printed material.

Kingston Heritage Tattoo Society

Canadian Home Reading Union Fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1716
  • Arquivo
  • 1896-2001

Fonds consists of copies of the Constitution and By-Laws; correspondence created and received by various Union Presidents and Corresponding Secretaries; minutes and Annual Meeting Reports of the Central Committee; minutes of the National Executive Committee; Presidents' records; membership and other records relating to various Branches, including Alta Vista, Glengarry, John Read, and Newbolt; files relating to the Annual Literary Competition; yearbooks and copies of the 'Leaflet'; various publicaitons disseminated by the National Home Reading Union and the Canadian Association of Reading Clubs; photographs; clippings.

Canadian Home Reading Union

Marjorie Simmons fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2616
  • Arquivo
  • 1894-2002

Fonds consists of research material; manuscripts; legal and financial records; genealogies; maps and plans; photographs; clippings; and sound recordings relating to various projects including the history of the Cataraqui Cemetery Company, the history of the Village of Cataraqui, the history of the Village of Williamsville, the portratits of Kingston's mayors hanging in City Hall, Kingston streets, Kingston inns, noteworthy women of Kingston, and miscellaneous Kingston families; interview with Harold Riley reminiscing about growing up in Cataraqui, Ontario.

Simmons, Marjorie Jean

James Pritchard fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2688
  • Arquivo
  • 1973-2013

Fonds consists of research material relating to J. Pritchard's latest book entitled, "Bridge of Ships: Canadian Shipbuilding During the Second World War"; correspondence; and articles.

Pritchard, James

Whitehorse Mining Initiative fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2035
  • Arquivo
  • 1992-1994

Fonds consists of t WMI's purpose, history, and activities, as documented through correspondence, agendas/minutes, and reports at all three levels - the Working Group, Leadership Council and Issue Groups; also, included is the final report, 'Searching for Gold', which was presented to the Mines Ministers Conference in Victoria, British Columbia, in September 1994.

Whitehorse Mining Initiative

Dickey Family fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1188
  • Arquivo
  • [17--]-1984

This fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; notebooks; financial and legal records; holograph Presbyterian sermons, 1819-1840, with a few dated as late as 1882, minutes of Kirk sessions, synod addresses, annual stripend list, temperance literature, and other religious tracts; ledger for a store, ca. 1818; material relating to Queen's University at Kingston including course notes, examinations, and ephemera; records of a medical practice; photographs; clippings; local historical documents and artifacts. This material relates to the Presbyterian Minister, the Reverend John Dickey, of Williamsburg, Ontario, and various of his descendants.

Dickey (family)

Helen Humphreys fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2258
  • Arquivo
  • 1974-2005

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts (both published and unpublished), poems, plays, notebooks, and daybooks. The material reflects Humphrey's literary life from her teenage years up until 2010, and shows the process of writing books of both poetry and prose from beginning to end. The fonds is comprised of the following series: Correspondence; Daybooks; Promotional material; Teaching Material and Writings.

Humphreys, Helen

Charles H. Boyes fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2335
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1895]-1920

Fonds consists of glass plate negatives from the Charles H. Boyes Studio in Kingston, containing portraits of families and individuals, including portraits of graduates from Royal Military College and Queen's University.

Boyes, Charles H.

Patricia Beharriell fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2326
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1882]-2005

The fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; financial and legal records; minutes; reports; speeches and addresses; family genealogy records; photographs, posters; and clippings; much of it relating to a number of cultural and artistic groups in Kingston and around Ontario, including the Domino and Grand Theatres (Kingston), Kingston Regional Arts Counci, Agnese Etherington Arts Centre Tour Committee, Theatre Ontario, and the International Amateur Theatre Association. There is also a sound recording of an interview between Bill Luxton and Rich Little pertaining to the Eastern Ontario Drama Festival.

Beharriell, Patricia

Elgin Ross Simpson Hall fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2500
  • Arquivo
  • 1930-1980

Fonds consists primarily of correspondence to Hall's sister-in-law Vera Pyke, along with photographs, diaries and postcards from his various travels after his retirement. There is some correspondence and a number of diaries from his early life.

Hall, Elgin Ross Simpson

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