[Photograph of Sir Peregrine Maitland]
- CA ON00239 F2818
- Discrete Item
- [ca. 1820]
Item is a photograph of a portrait of Sir Peregrine Maitland.
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[Photograph of Sir Peregrine Maitland]
Item is a photograph of a portrait of Sir Peregrine Maitland.
[Photographs of Capt. George Taylor Richardson's platoon]
Items are photographs cut from a photo album showing members of the 2nd Battalion, No. 2 Company, No. 8 Platoon that were commanded by Capt. George Taylor Richardson when he was killed in action during World War I.
Handyside, Ernest Traverse
[Photographs of Collins Bay and Bath Road]
Items are photographs of buildings and people at 4111 Bath Road (the home of Dr. Rankin) and Collins Bay.
McLean, Miss
Fonds consists of invitations to various Queen's University student organization events; programme and musical score for the 1950 Alma Mater Society production of "Dear Susie"; photographs of various student teams and events including the 1946-1947 Women's Hockey Team, the 1946 Levana Candlelighting ceremony, visit of Premier Leslie Frost to open the "Frost Wing", 1952 Fall Convocation, Alfie and the Queen's Bands, and a classroom of 'bored' students taken for an article to be written on student apathy; and an Arts Tam, hoods worn by Phyllis Lake and her husband, George, to their respective graduations, and the gown worn to her first-year classes by Phyllis Lake.
Lake, Phyllis
Physical and Health Education Manual
Item is a volume, "Physical and Health Education Manual," compiled by Margaret MacDonald, while a student at Queen's University at Kingston.
Atwood, Pamela (MacDonald)
Day book of unidentified physician, Prescott, Ontario 14 October 1882 to 20 March 1883, pages 226-511.
Jacalyn Duffin
Item is a World War I anniversary edition of the Picton Gazette, accompanied by a letter from L.J. Flynn of the Kingston Historical Society.
Chapter on Eastern Ontario, p.665 (1882).
Items are three issues of Picturesque Canada (1882; Vol. I, No. XI; and Vol. I, No. XVII), edited by Principal Grant.