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Freedman Company Limited fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2074
  • Fonds
  • 1879-1981

The fonds consists of both textual and photographic material created and distributed by Freedman Company Limited pertaining mainly to the advertising, promotion and sales of their clothing lines. Included in the business records is material relating to the trademarks owned and patented by the company. There is also some earlier family material relating to some of the founding members of the company. The fonds has been arranged alphabetically within the following series: Business material and Family material.

Freedman Company Limited

Frederick Wellington Gibson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1944
  • Fonds
  • 1867-1988

The fonds consists of correspondence, research notes, press clippings, and subject files. Includes drafts of Queen's University, Volume II, 1916-1961: book, and draft manuscript of his study on imperial defence and naval policy, 1887-1914, files relating to his work as Vice Principal Academic at Queen's University and his graduate students. The papers also contain some original files, 1911-1913, of the pages of L.P. Brodeur, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. There is also an extensive collection of subject files relating to William Lyon Mackenzie King. This material includes copies of most of the memoranda prepared for use by the official biographers of Mackenzie King.

Gibson, Frederick Wellington

Frederick W. Mardock fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2250
  • Fonds
  • 1916-1960

The fonds consists of subject files including his time as a pilot in the Royal Naval Air Service, and his escape from Stalag 3 (Holzminden, Germany) by tunnelling underground; photographs including family and family events, World War One, and his time as an engineer working in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Mardock, Frederick W.

Frederick Philip Grove fonds

  • CA ON00239 F438
  • Fonds
  • 1926-1945

The fonds consists of phjotocopied correspondence with Mrs. Grove, Watson Kirkconnell and Desmond Pacey, and an original manuscript draft of novel about Abe Spalding, which was later revised and published as 'Fruits of the Earth', 1933. The microfilm contains drafts of several of Grove's manuscripts including, Fruits of the Earth, The Master of The Mill, The Weatherhead Fortunes, The White Range Line House and Consider Her Ways.

Grove, Frederick Philip

Frederick Michael Larkin fonds

  • CA ON00239 F779
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1965]-1982

Correspondence, articles, reports, notes, lectures, publications on mathematics.

Larkin, Frederick Michael

Frederick L. Moore fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1669
  • Fonds
  • [184-?]-[1891?]

The fonds consists of correspondence, accounts, genealogy, and county reports. There is also an Elizabethtown account book.

Moore, Frederick L.

Frederick J. Rowan fonds

  • CA ON00239 F984
  • Fonds
  • 1856-1858

The fonds consists of diaries related primarily to the construction of the Grand Trunk Railway west of Kingston.

Rowan, Frederick J.

Frederick Haldimand fonds

  • CA ON00239 F769
  • Fonds
  • 1758-1784

The Haldimand papers and maps document events in North America during the pivotal period from the beginning of the Seven Years' War to the end of the American Revolution and early Loyalist settlement. The material provides information bearing on many of the significant developments of the time and includes correspondence with military figures such as Generals Jeffery Amherst, Thomas Gage, James Murray and Sir Guy Carleton; correspondence with various civil and military offices and their heads such as the Admiralty, the Provincial Navy, Lord Barrington, Secretary at War; Lord Dartmouth, and Lord George Germain, Secretaries of State; and various governors and lieutenant-governors. Also included are records relating to Indigenous affairs, civil government, loyalists, explorations, military affairs, secret intelligence, state prisoners and personal papers.

Haldimand, Sir Frederick

Frederick Donald MacKenzie fonds

  • CA ON00239 F831
  • Fonds
  • 1909-[1960]

Fonds consists of correspondence; manuscript material; photographs taken at Queen's, in England, and in Egypt; copy "Queen's Y.M.C.A. Students' Hand-Book, 1909-1910", containing his class time-table, quotations, names and addresses of fellow students, doodles; receipts; and an admission ticket to the Kingston Skating Rink; notes, booklets, and pamphlets dealing with the formation of the United Nations and its Charter.

MacKenzie, Frederick Donald

Frederick Charles Denison fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1195
  • Fonds
  • 1876-1896

Fonds consists of correspondence with Charles Mair.

Frederick Charles Denison

Results 2161 to 2170 of 3042