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Letters to Charles Grant

  • CA ON00239 F103
  • Discrete Item
  • 1793-1805

Letters to de Vaux regarding projected colony in Canada and one letter from Lord Camden to Lord Melville relating to de Vaux. Copy of an article on de Vaux.

Grant, Charles, Vicomte de Vaux

Great Britain, Public Records Office

  • CA ON00239 F106
  • Discrete Item
  • 6 Feb. 1862

Letter to an unnkown recipient, regarding information on a 1596 voyage of exploration to the Frozen [Arctic] Ocean in search of the Northwest Passage. Also contains research notes on other voyages to the Indian Ocean, etc. in the 16th century.

Public Records Office, Great Britain


  • CA ON00239 F113
  • Discrete Item
  • [ca. 1940]

Relates to different attempts which were made to determine the exact spot where Jacques Cartier landed on his second voyage to Canada.

Hamel, Joseph

Letter from Frank H. Vizetelly to Agnes Laut

  • CA ON00239 F123
  • Discrete Item
  • Oct. 1933

A letter from Vezetelly to Laut, 1933 Oct. 10, from The Literary Digest, New York City, in which he enquires as to the pronunciation of her last name. Laut responses on same and returns it to Vezetelly.

Laut, Agnes C.

Reminiscences/By Mrs. Richard Lazier.

  • CA ON00239 F124
  • Discrete Item
  • 1893

Photocopy of typescript of reminiscences written by Mrs. Richard Lazier was in her 89th year.

Lazier, Mrs. Richard

Resultados 211 a 220 de 3043