Queen's University. Department of Spanish and Italian fonds
- CA ON00239 F2420
- Fonds
- [19--]
Fonds consists of a series posters employed during a student orientation event held by the Department.
Department of Spanish and Italian
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Queen's University. Department of Spanish and Italian fonds
Fonds consists of a series posters employed during a student orientation event held by the Department.
Department of Spanish and Italian
Queen's University. Department of Surgery fonds
The fonds consists of personnel files of former faculty members of the Department.
Department of Surgery
Queen's University. Department of University Services fonds
Fonds consists of department subject files including residences, budget, Installation Ceremony Committee minutes, and Kingston Tercentenary Committee minutes.
Queen's University. Department of University Services
Queen's University Faculty Association fonds
Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; reports and studies; agendas and minutes for Annual General Meetings, the Executive Committee and various Sub-committees; photographs; and clippings.
Queen's University Faculty Association
Queen's University. Faculty of Arts and Science fonds
Fonds consists of Faculty lists (1900-1924); tenure files (1970-1980); Minutes of Faculty Board, Board of Studies, Committee of Departments (1913-2005); records, relating to the Queen's National Scholar program (1987-1992); departmental files (1987-1991); Development Sub-committee files (1978-1983); budget and budget working kit files, salary review files (1961-1989); Departmental correspondence and budget files; agenda and minutes of the Committee of Vice-Presidents and Deans (1987-1988); correspondence, reports, lists of participants, evaluations, financial records, promotional material, photographs, clippings relating to the Summer Program for Science Teachers (1985-1993); and lists of the Deans of the Faculty of Arts, 1906 - 1974.
Queen's University. Faculty of Arts and Science
Queen's University. Faculty of Education fonds
Fonds consists of minutes (1914-1917); student marks (1907-08, 1919-1920); parliamentary committee reports, including a deposition by Principal Bruce Taylor (1908-1920); records of marks for practice lessons at the Kingston Collegiate Institute (1907-1920); office, research, and Dean's Committee files, correspondence, printed material (1967-1988); submissions, brochures, blueprints of the Dean's Committee on the Purchase of Art Work for Duncan McArthur Hall (1970-1986); Faculty Board Agenda and Minutes (1967-2007); files relating to the periodic appriasal of the Master of Education Programme; photographs of people and events during the first years of the newly re-established Faculty of Education (1968 - 1972); photographs and negatives of graduating classes (1982-1990) and the construction of John Orr Tower (1971); film footage of the Faculty of Education's first graduation exercise (21 May 1969); film footage of the official opening ceremonies of Duncan McArthur Hall (2 May 1972), included are addresses by Dr. John Deutsch, Principal, Queen's University; Willian G. (Bill) Davis, Premier of the Province of Ontario; Vernon S. Ready, Dean, Faculty of Education, Queen's University; E.Valerie Swain, Mayor, City of Kingston; and Brian Duplante; reports and handbooks on the Masters of Education programme and Graduates Studies in Education; and an exam for the Faculty of Education Examinations: May, 1918, for the Science of Education.
Queen's University. Faculty of Education
Queen's University. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science fonds
Fonds consists of the Penal Record of the Vigilance Committee, Science Court, Science Hall; 'The first fifty years', a history of the Faculty, 1919-1943, by A.L. Clark; Faculty Board Minutes, 1917-1973; survey of graduates, 1902-1955; comparative registration, 1937-1973; examination papers, 1922-1969; scrapbooks containing photographs of all students in the Faculty (1941-1969); minutes, reports, general correspondence, membership lists and newsletters of the Advisory Council on Engineering (1951-1986); copy of "'Behind Memory's Door': A collection of wartime memories from Science '39, '40, '41, and '42 Faculty of Applied Science, Queen's University, Canada" (2000), written in collaboration with the Office of the Dean, by D.D.C. McGeachy and others; photographs of numeorus Faculty events and initiatives including 'head and shoulder' shots of faculty members for inclusion in the publication 'Research in Progress', photographs of students assigned to various sections (1982-1983), Dean's Scholars Dinner, science labs, STAO, Engineering Design Competition, Science Formal, Sceince Quest, Orientation, Convocation, the Innovative Vehicle Design Competition Team (1986), the Queen's Cargo Aircraft Team (QCAT) at Aero Design '91, Thundermugs competing at Baja '92 and '94, Golden Gaels football team, campus and City of Kingston (1985-1990); correspondence and subject files from the Office of the Dean; correspondence, programmes, announcements,speeches and addresses, photographs, and oral history interviews relating to various events held in celebration of the School of Mining/Faculty of Applied Science Centennial; administrative records relating to the Centennial Year of Celebration of the Faculty.
Queen's University. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Queen's University. Faculty of Health Sciences fonds
Fonds consists of material relating to the Ratification Vote surrounding the Alternative Funding Plan; 'The 6th Annual A.A. Travill Debate'; a document entitled, "Submission by Queen's University to the Senior Co-ordinating Committee for the Health Sciences Province of Ontario"; and other files.
Queen's University. Faculty of Health Sciences
Queen's University. Faculty of Law fonds
The fonds consists of Faculty Board Minutes; office records, especially during the time Ms. Mary Alice Murray was the Office Adminstrator; copies of the 'Queen's Law Journal', Vols. 1-32, plus numerous other publications and printed material; photographs of faculty, staff, students, and special Faculty events.
Queen's University. Faculty of Law.
Queen's University. Fellow's Course in Banking fonds
Consists of course calendars, lecture notes, reading lists and other course materials related to the Fellow's Course in Banking offered at Queen's University.
Queen's University. Fellow's Course in Banking