Department of Political Studies fonds
- CA ON00239 F1489
- Fonds
- 1960-1971
Office files.
Queen's University. Department of Political Studies
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Department of Political Studies fonds
Office files.
Queen's University. Department of Political Studies
Department of Physiology fonds
Correspondence, lab notebooks, departmental records, Committee on Academic Planning of Medicine, 1973-1975, correspondence of J.D. Hatcher, lists of personnel; reports and minutes of Joint Committee on Medical Researchof the Ontario Universities and Ontario Humane Society (1964-1968).
Queen's University. Department of Physiology
Department of Philosophy fonds
Papers relating to departmental administration, letters of recommendation for students.
Queen's University. Department of Philosophy
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology fonds
Correspondence, files concerning the Memorial Fund, departmental meeting agendas and minutes, Faculty Council and Dean's Advisory Committee files, and subject files. Program planning and student files, assessments, schedules, and applications.
Queen's University. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Department of Metallurgy fonds
Typescript volumes of summer essays (1921-1959) and B.Sc. theses (1951-1959).
Queen's University. Department of Metallurgy
Department of Mechanical Engineering fonds
Departmental minutes and School of Graduate Studies and Research, Division III Minutes and Chairman's files
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mathematics fonds
Mathematical preprints.
Queen's University. Department of Mathematics
Minutebooks, 1937-1944, 1960-1967.
Queen's University. Department of English
This fonds consists of minutes from Departmental meetings; subject files; correspondence regarding the Institute of Public Administration Conference at Queen's in 1958; and photographs from a summer social event.
Queen's University. Department of Economics
Department of Biochemistry fonds
This fonds is mainly comprised of correspondence and various files related to teaching and research in the field.
Queen's University. Department of Biochemistry