The fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial statements and press clippings of the Rideau 150 Citizen's Committee (Southern Region), relating to preparations for celebratory events on the 150th anniversary of the Rideau Canal.
The collection consists of a copy of "Notices of the Rideau Canal" (1832) signed by Esther March By, a letter to Col. John By (8 Apr. 1833), a history of "Col. By and the Rideau Canal" produced on the centenary of the Canal (1932), an address from a Rotary luncheon in Gananoque on "The Rideau Canal System" (1943) by Charles E. Kidd, and clippings relating to the canal.
Collection consists of: Plan of the Works at Kingston Mills – 22 Jan. 1831; Survey of Brewers Upper Mill and Round Tail being the first plan of the series of the Survey of the Cataraqui Creek – 22 Jan. 1831; the Woodwork of the Face Sluices Jones Falls & Kingston Mills; Plan of Section of Waste (water?) Gate, Brewers Mills; Plan of Section of Face Sluices Jones Falls & Kingston Mills; Report of the State of the Works at Brewers Upper Mills; Report of the State of the Works at Kingston Mills; and, Plan showing the waters through which the Route of the Rideau Canal will pass. Also includes photographic copies from drawings held at the Archives of Ontario.
All maps signed by Colonel John By, one map signed by Burrowes (though likely responsible for all drawings).
Fonds consists of constitutions and by-laws; minutes; correspondence; e-letters; subject files; newsletters; Association and related publications; maps and trail descriptions; commentary to accompany a slide show introducing the Association to various audiences; 35 mm slides; clippings pertaining to the Rideau Trail Association and its Chapters or Clubs, including Kingston, Ottawa, and Central (Perth), Ontario.
This fonds consists of an account book relating to the financial affairs of the R.M. Ford Tannery, located in Kingston, Ont. (1871-1877); and a record of investment dividends (1933-1938).
Ontario's first macadamized road. This album is comprised of photographs taken in the 1910's of work being done on Highway #2, also known as Kingston Road or York Road.
The fonds consists of correspondence, minutes of meetings, publications, accounts, lists of tunes in the band's repertory, lists of band supplies ordered, annual reports, membership lists and accounts of specific band activities. Several detailed histories of the organization were written over the years and these have been included in the fonds.