Collection consists of the personal diary of MacMartin describing his trip to Northern Ontario to conclude negotiations of Treaty No. 9 - The James Bay Treaty with Ojibway (Anishinaabe), Cree (including the Omushkegowuk) and other Indigenous Nations (Algonquin); plus various transcriptions and ancillary material.
The fonds consists of fifty-five manuscripts with transcriptions, three letters, and an original (plus photocopy) of the manuscript of Fowler's autobiography. Also included are various family legal papers, two unidentified group photographs, and sixteen prints by J. D. Harding, who was Fowler's teacher and two certificates of award issued to Fowler from the Philadelphia Exhibition in 1876.
Fonds consists of records detailing involvement with the Federation Egalitarion Communities and the legal demise of Dandelion, as well as a run of Communities magazine.
Fonds consists of legal records and clippings relating to the purchase and history of Elizabeth Cottage and the Horsey Stone Building, located in Kingston, Ontario; and images of the Horsey Stone Building.
The fonds consists of nine letters relating to the foundation and early history of the library at Perth, Upper Canada, sponsored by Lord Dalhousie before his departure from Canada
Fonds consists of a 'Student's Drawing Book' (scrapbook), containing invitation cards from various Queen's University at Kingston Student Societies to attend their events; personalised Alma Mater Society student election cards.
The Cyril Greenland fonds which include correspondence, subject files, and miscellaneous files contain important files relating to the life and work of Merrill Denison, his family (including Flora MacDonald Denison, Mary Merrill and the Merrill family) as well as the property at Bon Echo. The files contain some information about Walt Whitman and Bon Echo and the suffrage movement in Canada.
Collections consists of a typed article from The Monthly Review on Currency from 1841, photographs of Kingston currency and a clipping about Kingston currency, as well as three pages of bank or promissory notes from each of the Commercial Bank of Canada - Kingston (1859), Commercial Bank of the Midland District - Kingston (1842) and Watkins & Harris - City of Toronto.