- CA ON00239 F2127
- Collection
- 1910-1954
The collection consists of scrapbooks containing clippings and correspondence relating to John G. Elliott, as well as to elements of Kingston life.
Werry, Robert
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The collection consists of scrapbooks containing clippings and correspondence relating to John G. Elliott, as well as to elements of Kingston life.
Werry, Robert
Robert William Cumberland fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, writings, student essays, news clippings and scrapbooks.
Cumberland, Robert William
Fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, and reports relating to the Rural Affairs Transition Committee, of the Transition Board, of the "New" City of Kingston.
Wolfe, Robert
Fonds consists of correspondence with Queen's University at Kingston, and the Dominion Rubber Company; and employment applications.
Moir, Robert Young
Fonds consists of research material gathered together before, and during, the writing of her book, "Setting the agenda : Jean Royce and the shaping of Queen's University".
Hamilton, Roberta
"Robertson Davies, Canadian Moralist" [a thesis]
A copy of Fisher's Master's thesis from the University of New Brunswick
Fisher, Elspeth MacGregor
Correspondence, photographs and school diplomas.
Robertson (family)
The fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, research notes and various records detailing Mr. Russell's personal and professional life from his university years until 1999. Included here are files about Mr. Russell's family, his teaching career at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, his investments both in property and the stock market, and a large number of personal letters. As with his personal life, Robin Russell seems to have saved virtually everything of any interest at all from his professional career. Here are correspondence he had with a wide range of individuals regarding sometimes very sensitive matters. There are files, including the transcript of a court case at which he testified, and memos to various cabinet ministers and members of Parliament for which he worked. There are records of the many election campaigns, including his own, that he fought over the years. Political analysis done for the Liberal party, travel vouchers, files on Royal Tours and even expense accounts are all included here.
Russell, Robin
Land indenture made October 17, 1828 between Lewis James Robins and William Joseph Robins pertianing to land in Prince Edward County on the Penisula of Point Traverse. witnessed by Robert C. Cassady and PhilipWenz.
Robins, Lewis James
Rockwood Hospital completion certificates
Certificates issued by Rockwood Hospital for completion of exam on mental diseases, 1905.
Rockwood Hospital