The fonds consists of textual records and photographs that reflect Ms. Gibson's interests in the Roman Catholic Church, Queen's University Archives and local Kingston history. They include a manuscript for her book on St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital. Also includes a handwritten archival description and finding aid for the St. Mary's Cathedral archives, including memos between Rose Mary Gibson and Father Downey.
Fonds consists of part typescript, part holograph, history of the Kaminski (later) Kamm family, who first settled in Kingston, Ontario, in 1913; family photographs; photocopies of family photographs with 'letter' written on obverse; holograph manuscript entitled, "Gitzi's Family: Immigrants from the Bukovina, a Biography".
Fonds consists of material relating to Progressive Conservative Party in the riding of Kingston and the Islands including minutes, printed campaign literature and press clippings. Campaign buttons and other publicity materials are also available in the fonds.
The fonds consists of notes relating to the cannon on the grounds of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, said to have been used in the seige of Londonderry, 1689 as well as three sound recordings of interviews undertaken with Mr. McRae by Rose Mary Gibson in April and May of 1971. Topics discussed include: McRae family, the Golden Lion Block, various Kingston families (Reids, Chowns, Polsons, Lintons, etc) and various Kingston businesses (james Reid, Steacy's, Bibby's, McNee and Minnes, Hendersons, Crothers, etc).
Fonds consists of correspondence; articles, offprints, and reviews; research notes and copies of articles written by R.S. Kilpatrick on T.R. Glover, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Alfred Hyla Betts, Yoshio Markino, Charles G.D. Roberts, and Winnie the Pooh; correspondence and programme relating to a Yoshio Markino Exhibit held in Tokyo, Japan; correspondence, photographs, and articles relating to Ian Vorres; words and translations for 'Cha Gheill! - The Queen's Singers, Queen's University 1841-1991'; and a copy of his doctoral thesis.
The fonds consists of photographs of the exterior and interior of Routley's Reliable House, as well as an advertisement for the business, and two class photographs for a Kingston-area schoolhouse (1890s).
The fonds consists of manuscripts, speeches and appearances, clippings and articles, radio editorials, letters and correspondence; honourary degrees and awards, and daily journals relating to Roy Bonisteel's career as an author and television personality. The records reflect the process of writing and rewriting, researching, and editing material to create the finished published work.
Course notes from Queen's University Medical School, 1908-1911, material relating to the Queen's University Stationary Hospital, military medical manuals and diplomas.
Fonds consists of a copy "Procedures and Problems in Quantitative Analysis", by R.L. Dorrance, complete with teaching notes, exercises, annual 'Requirements', and 'Reagents required,' as well as handwritten and printed lecture notes.