Fonds consists of letters received by Shirley Walroth during her time at Queen's University. Includes letters from soldiers during World War II, family, and childhood friends. Of note are the variety of transmission media, including telegrams and airgraphs.
This fonds consists of two travel documents for Simeon Doudiet of the Principality of Neuchâtel, a region which is now part of Switzerland. The documents attest to the good character and birth of Doudiet as he is travelling from one district to another. One document still maintains partial seal remnant.
This fonds contains a small number of family photographs and newspaper clippings, a certificate of recognition regarding the building of Beth Israel Synagogue on Queen Street, Kingston as well as a list of seat holders at said synagogue, a memo from the employees of the Oberndorffer Cigar Factory on Simon Oberndorffer's retirement as well as an Oddfellows certificate.
Four architects' sketches of Fleming and Carruthers Hall (School of Mining), Ontario Hall (Physics) Kingston and Grant Hall (Convocation Hall) from east and west.
Collection consists of thesis data and a scrapbook, compiled by Elizabeth (Bess or Bessie) Sinclair following the death of her husband, R. Gordon Sinclair, who drowned in Collins Bay; correspondence, speeches, and photographs relating to Huntly M. Sinclair, as well as a certificate recognizing him as a Baden-Powell Fellow for his generous support of world scouting; and a file relating to the Sinclair Cemetery (a.k.a. the Scotch Corners Cemetery), located in Beckwith Township, Ontario.