Affichage de 3043 résultats

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Letter, to W. York, Leeds.

  • CA ON00239 F262
  • Discrete Item
  • 2 May 1797

Relates to a visit to Bath for his health and acknowledges a letter from York. Alludes to some information contained in York's letter.

Wilberforce, William

Ontario Women's Institute, Millhaven fonds

  • CA ON00239 F266
  • Discrete Item
  • 1780-1976

Photocopied exerpts from Tweedsmuir History with material related to Bath, Milhaven, the Fairfield family, Dr. H.D. Burleigh, churches and historic buildings. Includes list of men who volunteered for active service in World War II.

Ontario Women's Institute (Millhaven, Ont.)

Letter, London, England to Leonard W. Brockington.

  • CA ON00239 F269
  • Discrete Item
  • 20 Jan. 1942

Note from Katherine Woolley on The Dorchester Hotel, London paper. Relates to quotation concerning Brockington and contains best wishes for a good journey.

Woolley, Katherine

Durham Commission

  • CA ON00239 F291
  • Discrete Item
  • 1838

Commission as Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of Upper Canada, 1838 Mar. 30, with Great Seal attached. Confidential memorandum, 1838 Aug. 5, concerning Durham.

Durham, John George Lambton, 1st Earl

Letter, Miss Ellen Drennan.

  • CA ON00239 F294
  • Discrete Item
  • 10 Dec. 1867

Copy of letter relating to school and to the hanging of Saxie Allen in Kingston.

Drennan, John H.

"The early history of Prince Edward County," by Rosa Elfreda Eaton

  • CA ON00239 F302
  • Discrete Item
  • 1934

First draft of a thesis for a Master of Arts degree, Queen's University. Also contains a written transcript of the Assessment Roll of Hallowell Township, Prince Edward County, for the year 1792.

Eaton, Rosa Elfreda

Résultats 261 à 270 sur 3043