- CA ON00239 F2401
- Fonds
- [200-?]
Fonds consists of a copy of an essay entitled, "Who I am, and how and why I came to Queen's", written by Dr. Ross in 1906, while attending the School of Medicine.
Ross, Thomas R.
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Fonds consists of a copy of an essay entitled, "Who I am, and how and why I came to Queen's", written by Dr. Ross in 1906, while attending the School of Medicine.
Ross, Thomas R.
Original manuscript diary of Dr. Thomas Robinson Dupuis' trip to Europe in the spring and summer of 1881. Of particular note are his many visits to hospitals and medical schools - witnessing curriculum, operating procedures, as well as sitting an exam for a diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons.
Dupuis, Thomas Robinson
Thomas S. Whitaker and Company fonds
Related to accounts with Messrs. Hurd and Lewell, New York City, concerning land transactions.
Thomas S. Whitaker and Company
Correspondence between Saunders and Lorne Pierce.
Saunders, Thomas
Fonds consists of lecture notes and course material relating to courses taught at Queen's University at Kingston, Harvard University, and Hong Kong; research notes; lithographed 1932 campaign poster signed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt; records of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation documenting the creation of the Arctic Council.
Axworthy, Thomas Sidney
This fonds consists of articles relating to the School from various publications, clippings, copies of diplomas issued by the School; all forming part of his research for an unpublished history of the Queen's School of Veterinary Science, by Dr. T.W. Dukes (1997).
Dukes, Thomas
The fonds consists of a day book from Thomas McCrea's carriage works.
McCrea, Thomas W.
This fonds consists of correspondence (1952-2005); editorials in British papers (1946-1950) and the 'Winnipeg Free Press' (1950-1960); subject files relating to his time as advisor to the Liberal Party and Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson; notes on the development of social policy and the Canada Pension Plan; papers and lectures written by Kent; published articles and volumes; presentations to parliamentary committees; files relating to the Royal Commission on Newspapers (1980-1981); honours and awards.
Kent, Thomas Worrall
Thompson, Jones & Co. Golf & Landscape Architects fonds
Fonds consists of copies of original plans for the layout of the Long Lac Country Club (Kenogamisis Golf Club), Geraldton, Ontario.
Thompson, Jones & Co. Golf & Landscape Architects
Thousand Island and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies fonds
Fonds consists of a promotional booklet outlining new and improved steamer transpotation to Montreal, Quebec and Kingston, Ontario.
Thousand Island and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies