The Kingston House of Industry, 1850-1880, by Kerry Abel.
- CA ON00239 F342
- Discrete Item
- 1978
Essay for History 449, Queen's University, 1978.
Abel, Kerry
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The Kingston House of Industry, 1850-1880, by Kerry Abel.
Essay for History 449, Queen's University, 1978.
Abel, Kerry
Items are two copies of a memorial supplement in honour of Lt. Col. Lorne Mulloy, a former graduate of Queen's University and veteran of the Boer War.
The influence of the British Military on the development of sport in Kingston/by Alison Mitchell.
A graduating essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Physical and Health Education, Queen's University, March, 1979.
Mitchell, Alison
The inaugural service of the United Church of Canada
Items are the order of service for the first United Church of Canada in Toronto, 10 June 1925, and for the first Kingston service in Grant Hall, 21 June 1925
The History of Kingston Psychiatric Hospital
Item is a video contain a documentary on the history and evolution of the Kingston Psychiatric Hospital. Includes a small amount of patient testimony. Producer: Barry Gardiner. Senior Producer/Director: Janice Belanger. Producer/Director: Shallen Thompson. Writer: Susan Beeby.
Kingston Psychiatric Hospital
"The History of Amherst Island," by Judith Bierma.
Typescript copy of short essay on historical facets of Amherst Island
Bierma, Judith
The Grand Union Clothing Company
Item is a poster for "The Grand Union Clothing Company" of 122 Princess St., Kingston.
The Grand Union Clothing Company
Fonds consists of photographs depicting various events, performances, shows, and the like that have taken place within the Grand Theatre over the years; programmes; an audio reel of a Public Service Announcement, created by John Bermingham, Vice-President of Radio Staion CKLC, for the" Grand Theatre Rebuilding Fund"(1964); a promotional film entitled "Grand Theatre".
The Grand Theatre
The fonds consists of three visitor's books and a membership register. The visitor's books reveal such guests as Alexander Graham Bell, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Carl Sandburg, George Alexander Drew, Sir Adam Beck, Sir Sandford Fleming, Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull-Hugessen; Vincent Massey, General Henry Duncan Graham Crerar, Sir Montague Allan, James T. Sutherland, Major-General H. F. H. Hertzberg and Sir William Arthur Currie.
The Frontenac Club