Kingston House of Industry/by Christopher Wood, n.d.
- CA ON00239 F418
- Discrete Item
- [ca. 1975]
Photocopy of an essay by Queen's student Christopher Wood on the Kingston House of Industry.
Christopher Wood
5 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Kingston House of Industry/by Christopher Wood, n.d.
Photocopy of an essay by Queen's student Christopher Wood on the Kingston House of Industry.
Christopher Wood
Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Extracts of letters from Hopkins to Robert Bridges regarding the work of Robert Louis Stevenson and the nature of a gentleman. These letters were copied by Mrs. Manley Hopkins.
Hopkins,Gerard Manley
The Evolution of Engineering Education in Canada
Copy of the CCPE publication, "The Evolution of Engineering Education in Canada", includes section pertaining to Queen's University.
Canadian Council of Professional Engineers
The fonds consists of scrapbooks containing literary references, poems, articles, a short series on various counties in Ontario and news clippings of World War l. A notebook entitled The Heart of a Boy contains manuscripts and articles, 1884-1891. Three issues of The Maritime Advocate and Busy East, 1935, contain articles about Nova Scotia and enclosed correspondence.
Gow, John E.
Holograph letter to the chairman of the eastern and Ottawa District Land Board, notifying him that he is returning his late father's land location ticket due to the land's poor location and requesting lands elsewhere; photocopy of his Last Will and Testament, 13 May, 1826.
Cartwright, Thomas R.,
The fonds consists of account books.
Chronicle and Gazette
The fonds consists of correspondence, legal documents and military records relating to Clark's life as a soldier in Dundas County. The material covers the period from 1813 to 1848 and includes material relating to the Battle of the Windmill. The military records include muster rolls, various returns and general orders of the Dundas Militia.
Clark, Duncan
Fonds consists of a prospectus for the Kingston Accomodation Bank.
Kingston Accomodation Bank
The fonds consists of correspondence, poems, prose, biographical items, news clippings, and scrapbooks. Correspondents include Sir Robert Borden, Lord Tweedsmuir, Lady Tweedsmuir, Robertson Davies, Stephen Leacock. Louis St. Laurent and Sir Edward Peacock.
Sandwell, Bernard Keble
The fonds consists of holograph daybook relating to the cultivation of peas, garden and field seeds, clover, timothy, and other crops.
Allan, J.H.