This fonds consists of correspondence with Elizabeth Shortt, and Eldon M. Boyd; biographical material; articles, including 'A Short Account of the Kingston General Hospital' (1935); and a typescript of 'The Litchfield Saga' (1940); excerpts from the Minutes of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Kingston, and the Queen's University Medical Faculty; medical lecture attendance cards (1872 - 1891); prints of well-known 16th, 18th, and 19th century physicans including John Bostock Jnr., Richard Brocklesby, Girolamo Cardano, William Cullen, John Huxham, Edward Jenner, John Coakley Lettsom, Joseph Lister, and Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann.
The fonds consists of correspondence, newspaper material, speeches and political material concerning the activities of the Toronto Independent Labor Party, the Theosophical Society, as well as general clippings on the period 1918-1940.
The fonds consists of a contract between the Honourable George Markland and Mr. John Mason to superintend the mason's work in building the Frontenac County Court House.
The fonds consists of correspondence, material relating to Queen's University, to the ministry, and to the Presbyterian Church, sermons, speeches, scrapbooks, printed material and news clippings. Rev. Gordon was chaplain to the troops during the second Riel rebellion and some materials relate to this episode. The correspondence deals mainly with his position as principal, Queen's University.
The fonds consists of correspondence (some copies), wills, legal documents, subject files, receipts and an issue of Christian Advocate and Journal, 1835 July 3. The documents provide much detailed information about the family including various financial interests.
Correspondence and other papers of James Wickens, British Army officer and emigrant, and member of the related Wickens, Fields and Darby families. Includes records of marriages and baptisms within said families.
The fonds consists of fifty-two letters from Sir John A. Macdonald, ranging in dates from 1849-1891; one hundred and fifty-three letters from Hugh John Macdonald, from 1880-1895, twenty-seven letters from Lady Macdonald and Louise Macdonald and three hundred and sixty-seven letters and testimonials of a personal nature. These letters mostly concern the upbringing and education of Williamson's son, James Gilchrist Williamson and other family matters. There are a few expense accounts for the boy's education from his grandfather, John Gilchrist. There are also a number of university attendance cards, dating from Williamson's student days in Edinburgh. Also included are lectures, sketches, sermons and personal mementos. Of particular local interest is material pertaining to the Kingston Observatory.