- CA ON00239 F1786
- Fonds
- 1916-1919
Fonds consists of postcards and photographs of his time in England and France with the No.7 (Queen's) Canadian General Hospital, 1916-1919.
MacInnis, John Angus
5 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Fonds consists of postcards and photographs of his time in England and France with the No.7 (Queen's) Canadian General Hospital, 1916-1919.
MacInnis, John Angus
Queen's Theological Society fonds
Fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, budgets, annual reports (1975-1983); course evaluations (1982-1984). Holograph minutes and photocopy from Public Archives and Records Office, P.E.I.
Queen's Theological Society
Fonds consists of scrapbooks on the Kingston Clinic of the Ontario Cancer Foundation; the work of Dr. Ronald Burr, compiled by Marguerite Bolster; records of Dr. Burr and the Kingston Regional Cancer Centre (c.1930s-1980s) including two Patient Registers; photographs; various awards, certifIcates, and citations.
Burr, Ronald Clayton
Fonds consists of team photos of various Kingston and area baseball and hockey champions; includes photographs of the Kingston Ponies, the Red Indian Hockey Club, one action photo of Queen's football team, ca. 1928, and three miscellaneous photographs of a Kingston barbershop and the Grocers' and Butchers' Parade (1934).
Hillier, Robert
Archibald Patterson Knight fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence and family papers, (ca. 1872-1892); scrapbook and folder containing articles, papers and letters published by Knight in the Globe, Rod and Gun, Canadian Fisherman and The Whig-Standard. Included is an index for this material prepared by Robert Cumberland.
Knight, Archibald Patterson
This fonds consists of correspondence, minutes and financial statements.
Kingston Humane Society
Queen's University. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science fonds
Fonds consists of the Penal Record of the Vigilance Committee, Science Court, Science Hall; 'The first fifty years', a history of the Faculty, 1919-1943, by A.L. Clark; Faculty Board Minutes, 1917-1973; survey of graduates, 1902-1955; comparative registration, 1937-1973; examination papers, 1922-1969; scrapbooks containing photographs of all students in the Faculty (1941-1969); minutes, reports, general correspondence, membership lists and newsletters of the Advisory Council on Engineering (1951-1986); copy of "'Behind Memory's Door': A collection of wartime memories from Science '39, '40, '41, and '42 Faculty of Applied Science, Queen's University, Canada" (2000), written in collaboration with the Office of the Dean, by D.D.C. McGeachy and others; photographs of numeorus Faculty events and initiatives including 'head and shoulder' shots of faculty members for inclusion in the publication 'Research in Progress', photographs of students assigned to various sections (1982-1983), Dean's Scholars Dinner, science labs, STAO, Engineering Design Competition, Science Formal, Sceince Quest, Orientation, Convocation, the Innovative Vehicle Design Competition Team (1986), the Queen's Cargo Aircraft Team (QCAT) at Aero Design '91, Thundermugs competing at Baja '92 and '94, Golden Gaels football team, campus and City of Kingston (1985-1990); correspondence and subject files from the Office of the Dean; correspondence, programmes, announcements,speeches and addresses, photographs, and oral history interviews relating to various events held in celebration of the School of Mining/Faculty of Applied Science Centennial; administrative records relating to the Centennial Year of Celebration of the Faculty.
Queen's University. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire - Victory Chapter fonds
Membership book, news clippings and material to I.O.D.E. Bridge games.
Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Victory Chapter
Frances Cartwright Dunbar fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence from the first half of the nineteenth century with many well-known figures, including Sir Allan Macnab, Peter McGill, John Solomon Cartwright, Robert David Cartwright, John Macaulay and James Bell Forsyth. These papers provide valuable information about the political and religious life for the period from 1878 to 1853. In addition there is a good deal of information about Cartwright business affairs. The papers are arranged chronologically in twenty-two files. While most of the letters are original, there are transcripts of a few letters in the files.
Dunbar, Frances Cartwright
Arthur George Doughty collection
Collection of letters from the library of Sir Arthur Doughty, including letters from Sir James Kempt, Lord Dufferin, Lord Durham and E.A. Meredith. Includes several documents relating to Halifax, N.S. Letters to and from Henry Youle Hind, artist and geologist. Samples of Upper Canadian currency, including a note from the Accommodation Bank in Kingston, and Confederate currency from the American Civil War, with a fragment of the Rebel Flag flown over Richmond, VA.
Doughty, Arthur George Doughty