Friends of the Salmon River fonds
- CA ON00239 F2601
- Arquivo
- 2004-2012
The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, newsletters and a publication produced by the Friends of Salmon River.
Friends of the Salmon River
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Friends of the Salmon River fonds
The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, newsletters and a publication produced by the Friends of Salmon River.
Friends of the Salmon River
Fonds consist of correspondence, subject files, photographs, clippings, and an audio cassette relating to the development of early childhood education in Kingston, Ontario.
Townsend, Joyce Waddell
The fonds consists of correspondence, business records and some personal papers. The material is divided into two parts relating to family and business. Included are a number of essays on various current social and religious topics.
Darling (family)
Fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, writings, research notes, legal and financial records and photographs. There are also two scrapbooks related to Skelton family activities, Isabel Skelton's writings, the career of her husband, O.D. Skelton and the Murphy family, ancestors of Mrs. Skelton.
Skelton, Isabel
The fonds consists of subject files, research files, clippings relating to women's issues in Canada and at Queen's University, as well as relating to her work at Queen's.
Baines, Beverley
The fonds consists of correspondence, both personal and business; speeches; subject files; records of homes Mr. Thrift has owned; planning documents; and teaching materials. The bulk of the records in the Eric Thrift fonds are from the time Mr. Thrift was a student at M.I.T. until he became a Professor Emeritus at Queen's University in 1981.
Thrift, Eric W.
The fonds consists of correspondence, research files, reports and typescripts of research articles in psychology and related fields by Dr. Thompson and others.
Thompson, William Robert
Fonds consists of correspondence, financial, legal and miscellaneous records, photographs, and printed material relating to the activities of the Rev. John Brooks Crowe, an early settler in the Trenton, Ont. area, and his descendants; correspondence and genealogical files relating to the Birch, Crowe, Garnt, Hagerman, Mills, Philps, and Stevenson families; diplomas and certificates relating to Margrethe (Crowe) Birch's time as a registered nurse. The bulk of the fonds contains material relating to the public and personal lives of the families of Dr. Walter Brooks Crowe and Dr. John Alexander Stevenson, and documents, in a fairly rich fashion, the social, economic, and medical history of the Trenton, Frankford, and Peterborough, Ontario areas, from the mid 19th to the mid 20th centuries.
Crowe (family)
Fonds consists of correspondence, course outlines, material relating to various conferences, workshops, projects and committees pertaining to history and social science curricula; correspondence, minutes, speeches, campaign material regarding his time as a school board trustee; campaign material for several federal and provincial elections. There is also a small collection of videocassettes which Mr. Watson produced as part of his Faculty of Education course titled, 'History and Contemporary Studies', which focussed on role playing and was for use by intermediate students and their teachers; and several episodes of his local Kingston talk show, which aired on CKWS Television.
Watson, Peter Heriot
The fonds consists of correspondence, diaries,subject files, writings, speeches and addresses, photographs, diplomas and certificates, clippings, and artifacts pertaining to the distinguished career of neurosurgeon Harry Botterell from his time in the Canadian Armed Forces through his busy retirement. Included also are several important studies relating to the Canadian penal system undertaken on behalf of the Canadian federal government.
Botterell, Edmund Henry