Affichage de 3043 résultats

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5 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Kiwanis Club of Kingston fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1586
  • Fonds
  • 1920-2011

The fonds consists of correspondence; administrative records, including minutes, agendas and reports; event and project files; photographs; and various publications. Also includes bound scrapbooks, containing announcements of regular meetings, newspaper clippings and event advertisements. The fonds is comprised of the following series: Correspondence (1952-2003), Administrative (1920-2011), Bulletins (1966-2006), Events and Projects (1947-2011), Publicity (1929-2005), Photographs ([1922]-2000), and Scrapbooks (1925-1968).

Kiwanis Club of Kingston

Robert Oliver Sweezey fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1057
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1966

The fonds consists of the records created and received by R. O. Sweezey in his role as businessman and private individual, as well as the papers of his wife, Harriet Watson Sweezey. The fonds has been divided into the following series: Harriet Watson Sweezey; Personal and Family; Canadian Financial and Mining Bureau; Photographs; Negatives (nitrate); Beauharnois; Business Ventures; and Personal and Family Papers

Sweezey, Robert Oliver

Robert Charles Wallace fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1099
  • Fonds
  • 1898-1993

Fonds consists of correspondence (including about 60 cm. of Principal's office files), photographs, note books, news clippings, speeches, lecture notes and material relating to the Ontario Commission on Investigation of cancer remedies. There is also a large set of files on the Committee on Post-War Reconstruction 1940-1945, with which Dr. Wallace was very involved. In addition, there is a newspaper by the Whig-Standard entitled, "Queen's University 110 Years of Service to Canada through Education," in which Principal Wallace wrote a message in. There is details of the history of Queen's throughout the fonds.

Wallace, Robert Charles

Glenburnie Residents' Association fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1875
  • Fonds
  • 1980-1996

Fonds consists of correspondence; minutes; subject files; technical reports and studies; submissions, responses, and presentations; clippings; and photographs; pertaining to the GRA's active participation in the waste management process, including Draft Stage Two, Compensation Policy, and Diversion Programmes, as the Township/City of Kingston and area residents sought solutions to the need to locate a landfill site in Glenburnie, Ontario; videocassette containing the views and concerns of Glenburnie residents regarding the proposed Landfill Site.

Glenburnie Residents' Association

Merilyn Simonds fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1877
  • Fonds
  • 1884-2009

The fonds is comprised of records that reflect the research and writing process of Merilyn Simonds in her activity as a writer of a variety of publications over a 30 year period. The records illustrate Simonds process, method and practice for writing newspaper articles, periodicals, non-fiction guides, literary non-fiction and fiction. The fonds has been arranged in the following series: Adminstrative files; Journalism; Projects; and Audio Visual.

Simonds, Merilyn

Margaret M. (Peggy) Cohoe fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1553
  • Fonds
  • 1930-2001

Fonds consists of correspondence, reports, research notes, articles and other published material, clippings, and photographs relating to her abiding interest in a number of historical and heritage endeavours, including 'Sir John A. Macdonald Memorial Day'; the Kingston Harbour Front Archaeological Project, and the historical use of site surveys with maps, reports, and cards; photographic slides and prints of the Memorial Windows at Kingston City Hall; assessment rolls and indices for Bedford, Hitchenbrooke and Sheffield Townships in the old Frontenac County; a volume published in 1856, entilted, 'Maps, Reports, Estimates, &c., Relative to Improvements of the Navigation of the River St. Lawrence, and a Proposed Canal Connecting the River St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain.'; and blueprints of the Murney and Fort Frederick (Martello) Towers.

Cohoe, Margaret Manthorpe (Peggy)

Francis Reginald Scott fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1158
  • Fonds
  • 1924-1987

This fonds consists of correspondence with poets and students, completed works and working files of poetry, translations and photographs.

Scott, F. R. (Francis Reginald)

Kingston and District Folk Arts Council fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1343
  • Fonds
  • 1967-1996

Fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, financial records, and photographs documenting the various aspects of the Kingston and District Folk Arts Council.

Kingston and District Folk Arts Council

Kingston miscellaneous collection

  • CA ON00239 F1353
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1808]-1997

This historical collection contains primarily of secondary source information pertaining to a number of subject areas including churches, industries, institutions, historical events and celebrations. Includes research files, subject files, publications, clippings and ephemera. There is some original material within the collection; of particular note is a polling book for the election between John A. Macdonald and Mowat when they ran against each other for a legislature seat in Kingston in 1861; a boat-building contract (in french) from 1808; specifications for the Richardson Bath House (1918), and material pertaining to visits, royal and otherwise, to the City over the years.

Queen's University. Queen's University Archives

John Thomas Hackett fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1572
  • Fonds
  • 1927-1955

The fonds consists of correspondence (personal and political, 1927-1955; legal, 1927-1938), some subject files and financial records. Correspondents include R.B. Bennett and Louis St. Laurent.

Hackett, John Thomas

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