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5 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Harriet Scott fonds

  • CA ON00239 F998
  • Fonds
  • 1965-1996

Fonds consists of correspondence, reports, minutes, and newsletters from Kingston Yacht Club, Agnes Etherington Gallery Association, Kingston Symphony Association, Grand Theatre Board, Art Collection Society of Kingston, Cataraqui Golf & Country Club, Kingston Arts Council, Limestone Cat Club, Kingston Community Council and Sydenham Street United Church.

Scott, Harriet

Ronald Lampman Watts fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1985
  • Fonds
  • 1964-1992

Fonds consists of files relating to the Committee on the Future Role of Universities, Confederation of Tomorrow Conference, Tripartite, CFRU, Arts and Science, Canadian universities, The Task Force on Canadian Unity, Charlottetown Accord notes and various other subjects; writings; speeches; references and recommendations.

Watts, Ronald Lampman

Phil Quattrocchi fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1635
  • Fonds
  • 1939-1996

The fonds consists of records created from the many community projects with which Mr. Quattrocchi involved himself. There is also a series of photographs detailing Mr. Quattrocchi's war service.

Quattrocchi, Philip

Joyce and Munroe Putnam fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2061
  • Fonds
  • 1954-1976

Fonds consists of correspondence, including several members of the Group of Seven - A.Y. Jackson, Lawren Harris, and A.J. Casson; diaries, including a detailed inventory of the Putnam's art collection; subject files; clippings; photographs; sound and vidoe recordings consisting of an interview with A.Y. Jackson detailing the early years of the Group of Seven, and interviews with Joyce Putnam by CBC Radio's 'Ontario Morning' and local Kingston television (COGECO) programme, 'Senior Scope'; material relating to the publishing of Joyce Putnam's manuscript, "Seven Years with the Group of Seven"; files relating to the theft of a number of Group of Seven paintings from the Putnam's personal collection; scrapbook of her one-woman art show; a copy of her personal reminiscences entitled, "75 Cents a Week".

Putnam, Munroe

John Alexander Wilson Gunn fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2263
  • Fonds
  • 1960-2001

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; minutes and reports relating to various Queen's University Committees; addresses; reviews of Dr. Gunn's work, plus reviews by him of others' publications; manuscripts, articles, and published works; research and lecture notes; correspondence, notes, research, reports relating to the Benjamin Disraeli and Bertrand Russell Projects; material relating to the submission of grant proposals; correspondence, programmes, notes and other piblications relating to conferences, seminars, and workshops attended by Dr. Gunn over the years.

Gunn, John Alexander Wilson

Richard Leiterman fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2286
  • Fonds
  • 1961-2005

The fonds is comprised of films, videos, scripts, articles, correspondence, awards, mementos and posters created and/or received by Richard Leiterman in his professional life as a cinematographer. The fonds has been arranged into the following series: Correspondence/Articles; Dramatic Productions - Notes and Clippings; Working Scripts, Storyboards, Notes; Photographs; Memorabilia; Awards; Posters; and Film/Video.

Leiterman, Richard

Hotel Kenney fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2544
  • Fonds
  • 1887-2008

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; financial records including receipts, and account ledgers; day books; guest ledgers; photographs; scrapbooks; and printed material.

Hotel Kenney

Agnes McCausland Benidickson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2619
  • Fonds
  • 1953-2003

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; addresses and speeches; records relating to her time on Queen's University Council, her involvement with convocations both at Queen's and other universities, and her numerous and varied volunteer activities; photographs; moving image and sound recordings; clippings; artefacts.

Benidickson, Agnes McCausland

Joseph Arlie Robb fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2415
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1988

Fonds consists of a small number of subject files and a large number of photographs, both prints and negatives, and sound recordings. The subject matter of the photographs spans a broad range and includes a large number of photographs of the Robb family as well as vistors to the family home and bird sanctuary, Abbey Dawn. There are also a fair number of Kingston scenic views and events.

Robb, Joseph Arlie

Hugh Garner fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2410
  • Fonds
  • 1937-1978

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, drama, short stories, essays, articles, biographical material, press criticisms, and personal documents and photographs spanning Mr, Garner's life and, particularly, his career as a writer.

Garner, Hugh

Résultats 571 à 580 sur 3043