The fonds consists of correspondence, press clippings, speeches, articles, diaries, scrapbooks, reports photographs, sound recordings and a large collection of political cartoons. The material covers the period from his earliest American accountancy training in 1923 through his professional career and public career as Auditor General of Canada 1960 to 1973 to his present interests. It is in his role as watch dog and critic of government spending that Mr. Henderson is best known and the major part of the fonds is concerned with this role. Mr. Henderson's frank and articulate comments and criticisms of government expenditures and procedures aroused public interest and conflict with the government, especially that of Prime Minister Trudeau. These aspects are well represented in the fonds, along with Mr. Henderson's significant, but less visible, international accounting work.
Fonds consists of correspondence, lists, card files, photographs, photographic negatives, and clippings regarding those alumni, graduates, students, and staff who served and/or died during World War One and World War Two, and whose names were memorialized in the Union's War Memorial Room. Also included are minutes of the Student's Memorial Union Council 1922-1966; blueprints; ledger, photographs, and press clippings. The 10th Field Company Canadian Engineers series also includes material from 10th Batallion Canadian Engineers after it was formed from the 10th Field Company Canadian Engineers and detachment from the 124th Batallion (G.G.B.G.) 4th pioneers, 2nd Tunnelling Company Canadian Engineers and 14th Field Company Canadian Engineers.
The fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, research memos, media releases, conference papers, constituency files, scrapbooks and publications of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) and New Democratic Party of Ontario. Included are study papers and discussion papers relating to the Founding Convention of the New Democratic Party of Ontario, the National New Democratic Party Convention of 1969, as well as publicity for the party and for party candidates. Graphic material includes photographs of Party candidates, as well as training and promotional films.
The fonds consists of correspondence, day books, journals, ledgers, cash books, and the financial records documenting the business transactions at the store, saw-mill, grist mill, flour mill, boarding house and electric plant. Also included is an Indenture between Benjamin Tett and O'Hare. The papers record the affairs of Benjamin Tett and his sons, John Poole Tett and Benjamin Tett, Junior and grandson Edmmund J. Tett.
The fonds consists of correspondence, notebooks, research papers and reprints of articles by friends and colleagues. Of particular note is correspondence with Sir Ernest Rutherford, 1908-1937. Also included are Gray's stamp collection and a ledger kept by W.M. Herchmer and John R. Forsyth for the estate of Major Alexander Forbes, army officer, Kingston, Ontario. April 1851-1852, and notes on Forbes' military career made by Professor J.D. Forbes, that was acquired and retained by Gray.
The fonds consists of records of the descendants of John Douglas. Letters, sermons, addresses and speeches of Rev. George Douglas, Methodist minister, founder of the Wesleyan Theological College in Montreal; correspondence, World War I records, mining and consulting reports, speeches and publications of geologist/professor, George Vibert Douglas. Correspondence of Nina E. Douglas; material related to the Old Brewery Mission in Montreal; correspondence and travel diaries of astrophycisist/professor, Dr. Allie V. Douglas.
Fonds consists of records of the Station Manager, including H.H. Stewart and Steve Cutway; correspondence; reports and surveys; budget material; minutes of the Radio Committee; programme logs; technical data reports, manuals, and license applications relating to both the AM and FM transmitters; requisition books; H.H. Stewart's technical notes relating to various pieces of Station equipment; photographs of Station employees, equipment, and events; the 'Letters Patent' and other legal documents relating to the Incorporation of 'Radio Queen's University'; minutes and financial statements submitted to the Annual General Meeting and to the Board of Directors; applications to the Canadian Radio Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to renew the Station's broadcast license; CD-R of Autumn Convocation 2002; a journal documenting those University sports events involving the Radio Station in which the Clear Cup made an appearance; audio cassettes featuring the Vanier Cup football game between Queen's University Golden Gaels and St. Mary's University Huskies (21 November 1992); sound recordings including a concert by the School of Music's Queen's Collegium of Music (ca. 1980); an address to the John Austin Society by Dr. G.H. Ettinger, with questions, and closing comments by Dr. W.E. Swinton (5 March 1980); Choir Director George Graham, with Assistant Director, Judith M. Evenden, conducting in Chalmers United Church, Kingston (ca. 1985); "Journey into Silence", by Andrew Orr, recorded at Domino Theatre (June 1985); School of Music Student Recital featuring Jukie Mylks,soprano and Fran Harkness, piano (18 April 1993); Queen's Theological College Kick-off to the "Invest in Ministry Campaign", with Steve Cutway interviewing Principal Ross and Mayor John Gerretsen.
Fonds consists of manuscripts, correspondence and research material relating to the book "Healey Willan: His Life and Music," as well as correspondence and lecture notes relating to events and performances celebrating Willan's work. Also includes a music score for 'Processional for Wind Ensemble' composed by F.R.C. Clarke for the Sesquicentennial Convocation, 16 October 1991.
Fonds consists of subject files; files relating to individuals he has known and interviewed; research files relating to his publications; photographs, articles in the form of by-lines in various newspapers he has worked or free-lanced for; oral and video interviews with such people as Jimmy and Billy Carter, Gerald Ford, John Kenneth Galbraith, Walter Mondale, Brian Mulroney, Bob Rae, Robbie Robertson, Robert Stanfield, and John Turner; a CD of the "Fifth Colloquium on the Legal Profession", sponsored by the Law Society of Upper Canada, and held at Queen's University at Kingston (15 October 2005).