The fonds consists of notes containing drawings of Kingston properties made by Ellis during searches at the Registry Office;a paper read on 4 Janaury 1938, over CFRC Radio entitled, 'Early Surveys of Kingston and Vicinity'; record of hydraulic experiments and measurements, 1926-1946; historical notes on laboratory equipment in Carruthers Hall; and photographs of various members of civil engineering classes, 1928 and 1931.
The collection consists of an album and a number of loose photographs relating largely to members of the Duff family, including Christina Duff, a military nurse, and others, before, duirng, and after World War One.
Fonds consists of Duncan Boucher's notebook containing notes compiled during lectures attended while a student in the Faculty of Medicine, Queen's University at Kingston.
The fonds consists of correspondence, legal documents and military records relating to Clark's life as a soldier in Dundas County. The material covers the period from 1813 to 1848 and includes material relating to the Battle of the Windmill. The military records include muster rolls, various returns and general orders of the Dundas Militia.
Fonds consists of correspondence, speeches, and articles relating to McArthur's work as an historian. Also includes a 'Student's Drawing Book' (scrapbook), containing invitation cards from various Queen's University at Kingston Student Societies to attend their events, as well as personalised Alma Mater Society student election cards.
Fonds consists of a bound copy of his letters, and photographs, home, written while a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (1915-1919), stationed in England and France during World War One; group photograph of the "Canadian Expeditionary Force 46th (Queen's) Batt. C.F.A. Kingston, 1 February 1916".
Fonds consists of photographs taken during his time as a student at Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, and include his boarding house, fellow classmates, campus elections, "rushes", and his time training with the Queen's C.O.T.C. and HMCS Cataraqui.
The fonds consists of correspondence, publications and material concerning physiology, veterinary medicine, and animal care, as well as reports, articles, speeches, and a manuscript relating to the Ontario Health Services Restructuring Commission, chaired by Dr. Sinclair. Also includes a file relating to research support from the Markle foundation during the late 1960's.
Commission as Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of Upper Canada, 1838 Mar. 30, with Great Seal attached. Confidential memorandum, 1838 Aug. 5, concerning Durham.