Scrapbook of manuscript verse, ca. 1857.
- CA ON00239 F378
- Discrete Item
- [ca. 1857]
Henderson, William
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Scrapbook of manuscript verse, ca. 1857.
Henderson, William
Verses written for Convocation at Oxford University, 1958.
Herbert, Sir Alan Patrick
Letters from an emigrant in south-eastern British Columbia, 1899-1907.
Nation, Harold Tiarton
Oman, Charles William Chadwick
Essay submitted to Brescia College.
Platt, Jane Bracken
The South Carolina collection consists of two parts: Part 1: the Papers of James Henry Hammond, and Part 2, Miscellaneous Collections of Personal and Family Papers. James Henry Hammond (1807-1864) was a statesman and plantation owner in South Carolina. He served in the United States House of Representatives and Senate, and was Governor of South Carolina from from 1840 to 1842. The papers reflect his role as both statesman and planter, including records pertaining to agriculture, education, family life, the practice of law, politics and slave management.The Miscellaneous collections of Personal and Family papers includes: Samuel Porcher Gaillard Plantation journals; John Forsythe Talbert Plantation journals; a Caleb Coker Plantation book; James Trezevant Plantation diary and records; Glover family papers;a James Talbert Ouzts Plantation book; a David Milling Plantation book; John Ogilvie Medical Account books; a diary from Natalie DeLage Sumter; the papers of Mary Hart Means; Thomas family diaries; the papers of James Ritchie Sparkman; the John Stapleton papers; Thomas Cassells Law papers; John McPherson DeSaussure papers; Lewis Malone Ayer papers; the Read-Lance family papers; the Heyward family papers; John Ewing Colhoun papers; the Miller-Furman-Dabbs family papers; and the Hammond-Bryan-Cumming family papers.
University Publications of America
Item is a commonplace book, which contains a letter from Hugh Walpole to Charles G.D. Roberts, 1937.
Roberts, Emma Wetmore (Bliss)
Consists of three autograph notes.
Smith, Goldwin
Letter from Douglas Wilson to the Deputy Registrar, Queen's University.
Relates to evaluations and student life at Queen's University.
Wilson, Douglas