Kingston--Commercial Buildings



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Kingston--Commercial Buildings

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Kingston--Commercial Buildings

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Kingston--Commercial Buildings

345 Descripción archivística results for Kingston--Commercial Buildings

345 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Paul Bunyan Restaurant

One side view of the Paul Bunyan Restaurant and three photos of the doors at 293 and 295 Princess Street.

J. Redden

Storefront of J. Redden wholesale and retail groceries with four men standing outside. Store was located at 176 Princess St. (according to 1918 Directory) and 178 Princess (according to 1896 Directory).

Richardson Office Building

Exterior view of the Richardson Office Building at 253 Ontario Street. (Corner of Ontario & Princess St.)

Lilley, George E.O.

British American Hotel

Exterior view of the British American Hotel on the corner of King and Clarence St. Photo also shows 'The Golden Gate'.

Lilley, George E.O.

Resultados 311 a 320 de 345