Kingston--Public Buildings



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Kingston--Public Buildings

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Kingston--Public Buildings

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Kingston--Public Buildings

454 Archivische Beschreibung results for Kingston--Public Buildings

454 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Frontenac County Jail

Items are photographs of various views of the Frontenac County Jail as it was being demolished.

Photo Image

Frontenac County Jail

Items are photocopies of various interior and exterior views of the Frontenac County Jail. Views include the underside of gallows trap, death cells, workyard, doors for public hangings, exercise yards and maximum security cells.

Hotel Dieu Hospital

Postcard inscribed 'Hotel Dieu, Kingston, Ont. Canada (Main Entrance)' and postmarked May 6, 1955.

Valentine-Black Co. Ltd.

Ergebnisse: 101 bis 110 von 454