Kingston Community Memorial Centre
- CA ON00239 F1411-S33-f21-2
- Pièce
- [198-]-1994
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of the front of the Memorial Centre on York Street and of an "ice service"
Aitken, Reg
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Kingston Community Memorial Centre
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of the front of the Memorial Centre on York Street and of an "ice service"
Aitken, Reg
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Kingston General Hospital.
Kingston General Hospital - Exterior
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of a copy of a woodcutof KGH by John Henry Walker, on an admittance card for KGH signed by Dr. James Sampson.
Kingston General Hospital - Exterior
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
View of the front of the hospital with the first addition.
Henderson, Henry
Kingston General Hospital - Exterior
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of KGH looking east on a postcard intitled 'General Hospital, Kingston,Ont., Canada.".
Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.
Kingston General Hospital - Exterior
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of the front of the hospital on a postcard inscribed'General Hospital,Kingston,Ontario,Canada -29.'
Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd.
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Hospital entrance on Stuart Street
Aitken, Reg
Kingston General Hospital - Nurses Residence - Exterior
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of a front view of the Nurses Residence.
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Four views of the demolition of the Kingston Jail.
Photo Image
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Kingston Penitentiary.