- CA ON00239 F1411-S40-f15-9
- Unidad documental simple
- [ca. 1905]
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Sketch(?) of Princess Street west from Wellington Street. View includes Sutherlands storefront at 103-105 Princess Street.
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Parte deKingston Picture collection
Sketch(?) of Princess Street west from Wellington Street. View includes Sutherlands storefront at 103-105 Princess Street.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
View looking east down Princess Street from the Grand Theatre. Identified storefronts on the left are Singer Sewing Machines, 213 Princess; the Windsor Hotel, 203-205 Princess; Strachan Hardware, 193 Princess at Montrreal and Horsey R.M. and Company Hardware at 189 Princess Street. Identified storefronts on the right are J.R. Rattenbury, Hatter at 206 Princess; A.G. Flett Merchant tailor at 214 Princess; E.R. Martin Furniture at 220 Princess and Martin's Opera House at 218 Princess Street.
Henderson, Henry
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Item is a copyprint of Princess Street looking west from below Sydenham Street after a heavy snowfall.
Powell, James William
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of Princess Street with a view looking east on Princess Street. Photograph was taken in winter.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
View of Princess Street in winter. Only the T.F. Harrison Company Furniture store is identified.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Location of Kingston's first Post Office which was later used as a second hand store on lower Princess Street.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Looking west on Princess Street with a streetcar coming down and a horse and wagon parked on the left side of the street.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of Princess Street with a view of a Colonial Coach accident at the corner of Princess and Bagot Street.
Lilley, George E.O.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Item is a postcard of Princess Street looking toward the lake. Identified are the Roy York Cafe, Abramsky's and Meyers Studios, circa 1935.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Two views of lower Princess Street, below Ontario Street, showing Frank Real Estate office.