Cottage Hospital Springhill NS
- Pièce
- [19--]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Black and white photo of cottage hospital, buidling looks just like a large cottage home. Incription on the postcard reads: Writing is indecipherable
11 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Cottage Hospital Springhill NS
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Black and white photo of cottage hospital, buidling looks just like a large cottage home. Incription on the postcard reads: Writing is indecipherable
Jubilee Fountain in Public Gardens Halifax NS
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Photograph og the Jubilee fountain in park with margin to the right side
E.P. Charlton & Co.
Military Inspection, Citadel Hill, Halifax, N. S.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration from a high angle view of rows of men in uniform on a paved surface surrounded by short buildings hoisting British flags; in the background, a pole with strings attached to its top flying many colourful flags
Hebb, W.E.
Public Gardens, Halifax, N. S.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a pond in a garden, surrounded by trees and with a white wooden bridge in the centre of the frame, and a small building visible by the right hand side of the frame
Scene in the Green Market, Halifax, N. S.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a busy street full of pedestrians wearing late 19th century clothing, some are looking down at baskets lined by the sidewalk; in the background, lamposts, a large brown building, and trees. Incription on the postcard reads: "from Emma with kind regards."
E.P. Charlton & Co.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a white gazebo with blue roof in a garden surrounded by flowers and trees; in the foreground, a dirt path is visible
Montreal Import Company
War Memorial and City Hall, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a bronze-coloured large building with a green roof with a paved path leading up to its front entrance; in the foreground, a white stone monument
Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd.
A Corner In The Public Garden, Halifax, N. S.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a park with the view partially obscured by trees; leading from the bottom of the frame, a dirt path with a bench splitting off into multiple paths
Montreal Import Company
The Little Dutch Church, Halifax, N. S.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a gray wooden church with a stone fence and with the entrance facing away; in the background, large trees
Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.
Martello Tower, Halifax, N. S.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Illustration of a large cylindrical stone hut on an open field; a person stands at the top of a starcaise hovering over the front entrance. Incription on the postcard reads: "This is to confirm the reservation of Rooms 38-40 and 5(?) on S.S. Halifax sailing Friday July 28 this […]"
Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.