Pictou, NS



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Pictou, NS

Pictou, NS

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Pictou, NS

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Pictou, NS

4 Archivische Beschreibung results for Pictou, NS

Nur Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug

Pictou, N. S. From The Custom House

Black and white aerial illustration of a town; in the centre, enclosed by streets lined with trees; a group of large buildings sit closely together. Incription on the postcard reads: "we are on this (?) don't know where we are going (?) and me"

The Intervale. -- West River near Pictou N. S.

Illustration of a pond in a field covered in grass with a few large trees throughout the field; by the left side of the frame, a person in a dark dress and a hat leans over the shore holding a large stick; by the right hand of the frame, a person dressed in white stands by the shore


The Battery

Illustration of a hill covered in grass overlooking a large body of water (seen in the background); by the right side of the frame, multiple cannons stand facing towards the left; in the midground, two cannons face outwards, with a person loading one of the cannons; the Union Jack flying from a flagpost by the left of the frame

Warwick Bros. and Rutter