Thousand Islands Resort Architecture



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Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

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Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

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Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

217 Descripción archivística results for Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

Sólo resultados directamente relacionados

Second Floor Plan

Item is a photocopy of an architectural drawing of the Second Floor Plan for the Twin Oaks house on Schooner Island.

Front Elevation of Yacht House

Items is a photocopy of an architectural drawing on tracing cloth of the Front Elevation of the Yacht House on Sunnyside Island for Samuel E. Brown.

Leyare, A.A.

South West and North East Elevations

Items is a photocopy of an architectural drawing of the South West and North East Elevations of the Cottage on Sunnyside Island for Samuel E. Brown.

Hardenbergh, Henry Janeway

South East Elevation

Items is a photocopy of an architectural brownprint of the South East Elevation for the Cottage on Sunnyside Island for Samuel E. Brown.

Hardenbergh, Henry Janeway

Details of Seat: No.FS37

Item is an architectural drawing, which contains plans and section drawings of a seat from the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.

Wood, John Walter

First Floor Plan: No.1

Item is an architectural blueprint of the First Floor Plan of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island. Extraneous lines to the original blueprint were added in graphite and green pencil.

Wood, John Walter

Roof Plan: No.3

Item is an architectural blueprint of the Roof Plan of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Scale: 1/4" = 1'0"

Wood, John Walter

Resultados 1 a 10 de 217