Thousand Islands Resort Architecture



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Hierarchische Begriffe

Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

Equivalente Begriffe

Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

Verbundene Begriffe

Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

217 Archivische Beschreibung results for Thousand Islands Resort Architecture

217 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Plan of Dressing Room No.3: No.124

Item is an architectural drawing including a number of plans and elevations of various dressing rooms of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island. The drawing includes Elevations of Dressing Room No.3 as well as the Elevations & Plans of Dressing Room No.2.

Wood, John Walter

East Elevation: No.5

Item is an architectural blueprint of the East Elevation, the East Elevation of the Parapet Wall, and a detail of the Drain Blocks in the Parapet Walls of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.

Wood, John Walter

Boat House: Full Sized Details of Fixed Sash in Southeast Corner of Living Room and Full Size Section through Fixed Sash Frame in Work Room. No.108

Item is an architectural drawing of the fixed sash in the southeast corner of the living room and a section through the fixed sash frame in the work room of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.

Wood, John Walter

Ergebnisse: 111 bis 120 von 217