- CA ON00239 F1411-S29-119
- Item
- [Copied ca. 1990] (originally created [19--])
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Photo of an unidentified young girl (ca.1800's to early 1900's).
Henderson, Henry
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Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Photo of an unidentified young girl (ca.1800's to early 1900's).
Henderson, Henry
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Oil on canvas painting of Edward VII as Prince of Wales by Franz Zavier Winterhalter. Painted for Queen Victoria the year before the Prince's trip to Canada. He is shown in the uniform of the Grenadier Guards.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Photo of Thomas Macalister as a young boy.
Sheldon & Davis
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Painting of Henry Gildersleeve, which belonged to Miss Maud Gildersleeve.
Lilley, George E.O.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Warren A. Marrison at the time of receiving a doctorate from Queen's University.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Portrait photograph of Sir Francis Bond Head.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Major Edward Osborne Hewett in full uniform.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Portrait photo of John Kirby Macaulay.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Portrait photo of J. Earl McEwen, Kingston Township Reeve.