Pièce 0069 - Letter, New Canaan, Conn., to Lorne Pierce,

Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Letter, New Canaan, Conn., to Lorne Pierce,

Niveau de description


Zone des dates de production


  • 10 Mar. 1931 (Production)
    King, Mary Perry
  • 1931 (Receipt)
    Pierce, Lorne Albert

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

Item extent to be completed at a later date

Zone de la description archivistique

Nom du producteur

(1865-21 May 1939)

Notice biographique

Mary Perry King (1865 – May 21, 1939) was the author of "Earth Deities and Other Rhythmic Masques," "Daughters of dawn" and "A lyrical pageant or series of historic scenes for presentation with music and dancing" with Bliss Carman, and of "Comfort and ... »

Portée et contenu

Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, discussing personal matters.

Zone des notes

Note générale


Zone du contrôle



Personnes et organismes associés

Localisation physique

  • Chemise: 2001, Box 4, File 7