Item 0087 - Letter, to C.H. Martin, Montreal.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Letter, to C.H. Martin, Montreal.

Level of description


Dates of creation area


  • 13 Nov. 1942 (Creation)
    Hume, Blanche
  • 1942 (Receipt)
    Charles H. Martin

Physical description area

Physical description

Item extent to be completed at a later date

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Born in Wyoming, Ontario in 1880, Miss Hume moved with her family to Watford and then to Woodstock, Ontario, where she was for a time the Editor of Rod and Gun. In 1920 she became secretary to Dr. J.H. Arnup of the Foreign Missions Board of the Methodist ... »

Scope and content

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), asking for dates of Jefferys Exhibition at Art Association.

Notes area

General note


Control area



Related people and organizations

Location (use this to request the file)

  • Folder: 2001, Box 9, File 4