Item 0045 - Letter, Winnipeg, MN, to Lorne Pierce.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Letter, Winnipeg, MN, to Lorne Pierce.

Level of description


Dates of creation area


  • 19 Jan. 1935 (Creation)
    Lloyd, Cecil Francis
  • 1935 (Receipt)
    Pierce, Lorne Albert

Physical description area

Physical description

Item extent to be completed at a later date

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Born in Hertsfordshire, England, Cecil Francis Lloyd was educated at Queen’s University and London University. He was a Winnipeg business from 1917 to 1930, until becoming a freelance writer. He published a number of volumes of essays and poetry, ... »

Scope and content

Typed letter(s) signed by the author, asking Pierce to consider publishing an anthology of Lloyd's poetry.

Notes area

General note


Control area



Related people and organizations

Location (use this to request the file)

  • Folder: 2001, Box 6, File 2