Item 0059 - Letter, with enclosures, Niagara on the Lake, to Lorne

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Letter, with enclosures, Niagara on the Lake, to Lorne

Level of description


Dates of creation area


  • 1929 (Creation)
    Kirby, William
  • 1929 (Receipt)
    Pierce, Lorne Albert

Physical description area

Physical description

Item extent to be completed at a later date

Archival description area

Name of creator

(13 Oct. 1817-23 Jun. 1906)

Biographical history

William Kirby was a Canadian author, best known for his classic historical novel, "The Golden Dog." Born in Yorkshire, England, Kirby immigrated with his parents to the United States in 1832, and then to Canada in 1839. After visiting Toronto, Montreal, ... »

Scope and content

Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, forwarding two letters re Bay of Quinte Reserve; letter (transcript, handwritten) to John Blackburn from Daniel Claus; letter (transcript, handwritten) to General Haldimarid from Col. Claus.

Notes area

General note


Control area



Related people and organizations

Location (use this to request the file)

  • Folder: 2001, Box 3, File 6